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Futures market volume doubles, futures companies welcome large number of account
The Shanghai Securities Journal understands that the trading volume of the futures market has soared recently, and the number of accounts opened by various futures companies in the past two weeks has also doubled.

According to the latest statistics released by the Securities Regulatory Commission on the trading of major futures markets, the weekly trading volume of the futures market has doubled. In the twelfth week (last week) of 2020, the total volume of the national futures market reached 130 million contracts, an increase of 101.22% year-on-year. In the tenth and eleventh weeks, the total transaction volume increased by 15.49% and 55.75% year-on-year, which has gradually increased in the past three weeks.
While the futures market is active, futures companies are ushering in a wave of "account opening."
"The number of accounts opened by our company doubled last week and last week, and the sales department was too busy to secondment personnel from other departments to assist in opening an account!" A staff member of a large futures company in Shanghai told Shanghai Securities News that the accounts were opened daily in the past two weeks. The numbers range from 400 to 600 households, which is almost five times the previous number.
The general manager of the sales department of a medium-sized futures company also said that the number of account openings has increased significantly in recent days, and about 100 new accounts are opened every day, mostly for the purpose of “bottom-sweeping.” In addition to new customers, many old customers who have been dormant also go to the sales department to activate their accounts.
Jin Yuwei advised investors that the greater the fluctuations, the more rational operations should be, and not blindly chase up and down. The final price of the market depends on the fundamentals. Speculation and panic are temporary. In the end, it depends on the fundamentals of the variety. In addition to researching market trends, investors should also pay attention to market volatility to prevent misjudgment under high volatility and lead to excessive capital loss. For investment clients, "risk control and protection of principal" is the core of their transactions. Regarding the current "hot account opening", Jin Yuwei, deputy general manager of New Lake Futures Co., Ltd. analyzed: First, the current price of crude oil of the "king of commodities" is relatively low, and there is limited room for a large probability of decline. Many customers enter the futures market because they are concerned about the opportunities for dips after the prices of crude oil and many varieties continue to fall. Second, the futures market is a two-way mechanism, and some people want to hedge the risks of the spot market through futures instruments. While seeing opportunities, investors also face considerable risks. Earlier, some futures contracts suffered a continuous down-limit, which was much larger than the margin rate. Some investors who had full positions and failed to raise margin in a timely manner suffered heavy losses. At the same time, it has also brought losses that futures companies may face because of investors' positions.